Recycled-Type-1 magic group aggregates
Consists of: Type 1 Recycled Sub Base is an aggregate consisting of blended Crushed Concrete, Brick and occasional Asphalt. Sizes range from 40mm down to dust to create an easily compacted recycled aggregate. MOT Type 1 Recycled Sub Base is graded according to the Specification for Highway Works 803 (SHW 803). This is a great alternative to quarried Department of Transport Type 1 (Also known as MOT) and in most cases is cheaper.
Ideal for: Hard-standings, haul roads, building sub-bases, path/road/highway/driveway/patio sub-bases. A must for applications that require material graded to a Type 1 specification.
PLEASE NOTE: Being a by-product of demolition this product is likely to contain fragments of wood, plastic, glass or metal.
£40 per loose tonne